Always Guided
Always Guided
The energetic power of prayer and mantra
“It takes one statement to have a subconscious belief which is restricting your growth to be completely eliminated on an energetic level.”
What strongly helped me heal the diagnosis of a mental anxiety disorder (and only in 2 year’s time!) is understanding the chemistry of the brain, and quantum physics (the HOW). The below goes into how inspired action of a mantra or prayer shifts ALL things on an energetic level, and allows for healing and growth. A MUST read.
(((excerpt from my video)))
You are deserving of everything that you desire and can possibly even dream of. How you create that life of your dreams has to do with thought, specifically the restrictive energy the subconscious mind holds.
I can sit here and consciously know that I am deserving and aware of an abundant and joyous life, in every aspect of life, but if I have a subconscious belief not aligned with the conscious one, nothing happens. The energy gets confused, especially if I still hold cognitive habits energetically associated with something like scarcity— which contradicts my desires. So not only is it important to unlearn those negative thought habits, but also tackle this subconscious belief you were conditioned to belief, and one which may not even be your belief.
You need to first know that everything is energy. Your thoughts, emotions, intentions—all energy. You also need to remember that thought changes chemistry. This is important to acknowledge for the limiting beliefs you may carry in thinking you cannot change dis-order or dis-ease. It is thought which created it in the first place.
Start looking at everything which comes into your life, or you put out into the world, as energy, and this is where Law of Attraction takes its course. Just be mindful.
Thought is Energy
“Thought Changes Chemistry”
You are already asking the Universe for things all day—everyday. You ask by where you put your energy; what thoughts and actions you place your energy into, and it doesn’t matter if you’re putting low vibrational energy (anger, hurt, sorrow, fear) into a thought, or high vibrational energy (desire, gratitude, bliss) into a thought or action. Energy is everything, and where attention goes energy flows. The Universe assumes “hey, Aneta is putting a lot of energy into this situation, she must want more of it.” This is how law of attraction works. You need to be intentional with what you do want so that you can receive THAT. Mantra and prayer will do exactly this.
So, let’s look at thought as energy. The frequency of my positive, conscious desire is higher than the frequency of my negative, subconscious belief, but which is stronger? What is stronger is what receives more of my energy (thoughts and action). Is there more energy in the false belief, or is there more energy and attention given towards the conscious desire. Something of high vibration will always outshine something of low vibration, but it also depends on the energy put into it. Am I giving more energy to the negative false belief than the desire? Do I hold negative cognitive habits which fuel the subconscious belief? Do I meditate on the desire on a daily basis, to outshine and change the negative belief? A lot of factors go into it, but it all falls back to energy. Another factor is intention. If my conscious thought of knowing that I deserve abundance comes from the energy of scarcity (your intention for wanting abundance), then you’re actually not giving power to the desire, rather the false belief in which the scarcity breathes within. If my desire and knowing is out-shined by how much energy I place into the false belief of not being worthy of my desires, I won’t receive all that I can from the Universe.
The conscious thought will meet the subconscious thought of not being deserving and energetically—there’s a standstill. The creation halts.
There’s something I’ve come across, that is truly changing my life and removing those subconscious belief systems. What this practice does is it grows my self worth and self love. Guess what the power of that energy holds—eliminating every false belief in the subconscious mind.
Now - I want to go into “being spiritual” because what I state below may sound life a way to '“bypass” some tough false beliefs. It’s not.
Spirituality has everything to do with taking the path to realigning, remembering who you are as an energetic being, and unlearning what is not serving you. It has everything to do with going deep within and healing, so that you can become everything that you’re meant to be. If you have pain or trauma it is very necessary to heal that, or else you will never have true peace. Your pain and trauma will manifest into all areas of your life, and even manifest in your body. But what this practice does is that it allows for SEEING the guidance, and just how deserving you are. It allows for you to receive that ONE experience which shifts something energetically, so that you can see TRUTH again.
Have you been doing it the “hard” way, is really the question.
This practice comes with the capability to expand your self love and enable the healing to take place in a manner which is for your highest good. Within self love— everything else changes energetically. The Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy states that high vibrations can trigger improvements in low vibration. Unconditional self love is the most powerful high vibrational energy there is, because it’s what you are created of; LOVE. The scales tip, and the conscious beliefs begins to outweigh the subconscious one, because the energy of self love and worth prevails and strengthens—you become more consumed with what is aligned with self love than what is feeding the subconscious false beliefs.
Since everything is energy those beliefs and those thoughts are just energy. They can energetically be shifted from a negative belief to an altered belief, or something positive. You can heal on an energetic level just as much, if not easier than you can through cognitive self care.
Here’s my question—
Do you ever just have “experiences” (big or small) which enter your life, whether it’s something that you hear in a movie, or read in a book, or your friends states, and it feels like something shifts within? If feels like something profound just happened. Something clicks and it gives you an “aha moment” even if you don’t know what shifted or what exactly happened?
You may not know why that statement is so pivotal, but you just know it is. It’s because it happened energetically, and it’s because something shifted in the subconscious mind. That statement is exactly what you needed to hear for a monumental life shift to occur. You just can’t grasp it or “see it quite yet, but the puzzle pieces are falling into place. Believe it or not—you ATTRACTED that into your reality. In one way or another, you asked for that guidance or shift through thought. You are ALWAYS GUIDED.
THIS type of instance is what helps you reprogram those subconscious false beliefs, or in other words—change them energetically from something which is blocking you from creating the life of your dreams, to something which allows the conscious mind and subconscious mind to 1000% truly believe and energetically know that you are deserving of that desire.
Guess what. You can have this occur more often.
How do we attract these experiences into our lives? How do we receive guidance to what needs shifting within, without always knowing what needs shifting? How do we attract guidance for what needs our attention on an accelerated level?
You ask. You ask the Universe, and you surrender. You also don’t assume that you know how something will come, and how it will present itself.
You can get to that subconscious false belief in many ways, but you have to want change. In wanting change, you have to put that energy out there, and the most powerful way for change is self love. The most powerful way to grow self love is knowing your worth, your power and how deserving you are of change.
Asking is also an inspired step for change, which is another Universal law very tightly woven with law of attraction. Be consistent. The Universe loves consistency because it then feels the energy of momentum and excitement you are putting out there. It’s like the desire grows truth and belief that you truly do want what you say you want.
You are already receiving miracles, its just that you are not seeing them as such. When you ask on a consistent basis in the manner which I listed below, or the manner in the video linked— you will start seeing the answered prayers clearer.
I want things to start unfolding for you. They are already there FOR you. I want you to start seeing that you are ALWAYS GUIDED and so very deserving. You truly are, and connecting the dots between you asking the Universe for a miracle, and you receiving— will create the most amazing energy for stepping into the life you were made for.
(((end of excerpt from my video)))
Guided Prayer
Here is the guided prayer by Pure Rasa which is changing my life. I started doing this about 3 weeks ago, and I see the miracles every-single-day. I literally CRY from gratitude for the Universe’s giving nature, and something has been shifting within me to allow myself to see my close connection, as an extension of source, because I am receiving all of these miracles. My self worth, self love, and belief in myself is growing. That means false belief systems are completely shifting.
I do a meditation, journal and mantra/prayer every morning. The miracles come bi or small, and for everyone’s greater good, which is what I ask for. They come everyday as inspiration, as guidance, an event with opportunity, tangible gifts, or a shift in perspective to allow for subconscious energetic shifts to occur. I see the connection immediately; I have clear knowing of it. It is changing my energy throughout the day,and it is changing my reality. I am in more gratitude now than I ever was before for an extended amount of time. And guess what the energy of GRATITUDE offer… more abundance!
Energetic Shift
And here is How it works on an energetic level.
Miracles are all around you, and within you. You just may not be seeing. This is how you see. I high;ly suggest listening to the guided prayer to get a feeling of just how direct you have to be, and just how much you have to release control of the “how”.
1.Ask for a miracle
2. Open up to receiving
3. Ask to see in a manner you can understand
4. Surrender to the Universe
5. Don’t assume you know how it will come
6. Know it will come
Remember—a coincidence, realization, gift of abundance in any area of life, and any experience is an opportunity; an answered prayer or answered mantra.
Let’s Break it Down
By asking, you are bringing to the surface the fact that there is something within you that does believe you are deserving of a miracle. Your truth aligns, because you are deserving. Self love grows on a mental, emotional and spiritual level.
By stating you are ready to receive, you are opening up to receiving. This is important for many reasons. There’s free will and Universal Laws, as mentioned above— where the Universe cannot give unless we are open. You also teach/reprogram the brain to unlearn the conditioned false belief that “wanting” is bad, evil, or greed. Wanting with the right intention is an opportunity, and we are all deserving of opportunity. Wanting is also a method to create balance, which is so necessary for your energy. Self worth grows on a mental, emotional and spiritual level.
By surrendering how it will come, and placing it into the Universe’s loving and always giving heart—you are slowly but surely shifting all negative, cognitive habits, and the desire for control of which the ego mind tries to keep you trapped in. This will have a beautiful ripple effect in other areas of your life. This allows you to be more present and in the NOW, where you receive. When we are thinking about the future or past, you are not energetically, emotionally, and mentally present, and not allowing FOR receiving. Disappointment which stems from assuming we know what will come—leaves. Alignment grows on a mental, emotional and spiritual level.
The Change Happens
You will start noticing the miracles (big or small) when you start connecting the dots between the desire and the opportunity. The gratitude will feel like nothing you’ve ever experienced. Your worth and self love will ignite.
The more you practice this, the more you will see the little gifts of the Universe. The more you see these, the more you grow self love. With evolved self love... EVERYTHING changes; self worth, more gratitude, more connection, more belief of deserving, more miraculous events unfold.
Hello, Loves!
I post all of my videos here, first! I also offer clairvoyance info, mediumship + psychic reading promos, inspirational posts for growth and healing on a spiritual mental + emotional level, channeled messages/posts, info about cognitive behavior + emotional intelligence, and more!