Are You an Empath?
Clear emotion. You are an empath if you sense other people’s emotions, thoughts and symptoms. It is the awareness or perception of emotional energy.
We communicate on so many levels other than through language and visual ques. After all - we are energetic beings in a human experience. We communicate through energy, and energy is EVERYWHERE. Science has measured that a human exudes an energy field (an auric field or electromagnetic field) which allows another to feel the energy and state of being that person is exuding. As an empath, this can become confusing and intertwined with something that feels like your own, or you assume is your own, but very much is not. Emotions you feel and thoughts you believe you are thinking may result in distress and anxiety due to your body being confused. It is so important to recognize if you are an empath, so you may start separating what is yours or anothers.
Are you fine one minute and the next - you feel anger and have intrusive thoughts (thoughts which don’t seem like your own) and have no clue why? You may even feel your energy drop into negativity.
It may be that others are unintentionally communicating with you through energy.
Have you ever walked into a mall or crowded space, and found yourself all of a sudden receiving a negative, intrusive thought about a passer-by-er’s appearance when you are the furthest from being a judgemental person?
You may be picking up on what they may dislike about themselves the most; their self-judgements.
If you are an empath, you are here in this life with an ability to help others heal, because you know how they feel through this clair sense. You receive a knowing of the root of their issue, and most likely have the capability of relaying a useful and positive resource which will help them in the long run. Chances are you are a healer.
Self Care
Empaths need self-care, energy boundaries, and protection techniques to successfully manage their lives. An emoath who is self aware knows how to create spiritual boundaries, renew their energy, and clear unwanted negative energy from their energy field.
Clearing Energy
I would like you to incorporate a practice into clearing energy which does not serve you which is yours. This is holding onto things like grudges, fear, hate, judgement, sadness, misery, self-hate, anger, so on. Remember - we want to observe emotions to see what lessons in self growth they are leading us to, but not become them. So - we clear them to look at the situation as an observer.
I would also like you to practice this when you feel a shift in energy and can't quite understand why things shifted. This could be someone else's energy which you do not need to take on as your own.
When you experience the above, you set an intention to clear your energy. Remember that everything is created through thought, but you also want to make sure your intention is moving towards something positive rather than moving away from something negative (such as yours or someone elses negative emotions). Where our attention goes energy flows, right, so we want to set an intention to clear our energy to move towards alignment, peace of mind and love.
Set the intention by stating:
“ I choose to release all energies, grudges, negative thinking, hate, fear, and sadness and embrace love. I clear all negative energy which is mine or someone elses from all space and time, from this life and past lives, and move towards clarity in my day. I send it off in love and Light and fill my body with God’s Light. And so it is.”
You may notice a shift in your mood right away, or it may take a few tries. I first noticed this worked when I had done it for the 4th time. I felt the vibration of the words spoken completely shift the negative emotions and mindset. I changed my energy. I do this every morning, now, no matter what. Standards for your body and space on a daily basis = alignment = self love. I also do this if I feel what is not mine.
Take Aways
Empaths receive communication from others through energy. They sense what others are feeling and may become confused and take it on as their own. This can lead to a life of chaos!
The only energy which serves you is the energy of alignment - love. In this vibration, all is clear, and we are “in-tune” so that we can make the best decisions for ourselves and any situation.
However -our own low vibrational emotions are guidance to show us what we need to work on within ourselves. But, we must observe to see the lesson and not become.