Step Back into Love

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Everything we experience is an opportunity to create something from it. It’s guidance or a lesson, right, so in the midst of this panic, I have really turned inward; to see how I can shift or grow from what I present myself with.

Am I comfortable being alone in silence? Am I too focused on the outside perceptions of all of the “what ifs”? Am I clinging to other people’s realities? Am I ruminating and attaching to fear-based thoughts? And, am I shying away from being present; thinking too much about the future or experiences of the past {which is actually the only place fear resides}? What can I work on to help myself, with what the Universe is bringing into my existence.

I have found that within being in the now, and within daily self care—I’m honoring the truths of what I already know within. They are enabled to rise from within, and offer me that peace of mind I am always searching for. Calmness doesn’t mean being irresponsible or unsympathetic, just as much as operating out of being fear doesn’t mean one is in alignment. Calmness has personally allowed me to be able to understand what I want to create for myself and my family at this point in time, clearer, and for or highest good. I am able to practice caution with a still mind.

Within this state of being, I find myself disabling fear.


Fear is guidance, too, you see. Unfortunately, that is the only positive thing that it is, and I’ve learned this through some pretty frightening personal experiences. Any negatively charged emotions or fear which may arise within me is an opportunity to look deeper to see where the roots are; what am I being shown to learn about myself, and what I’m being asked to unlearn. What am I being asked to grow or dissolve.

Fear is actually direction back to love. We are of love, and our all-knowing, higher self is an energy of self trust and certainty. The higher self knows all will be well, and this too shall pass. It understands the outcome so as to not fear. It knows everything is going to work out best case scenario {and this is something recite, to tell my mind when it slips to cling to the negative thoughts around particular situations—it’s a life saver!} Everything which doesn’t stem from love stems from fear; instilled onto us throughout life. Some fear is meaningful and with deep impact and lessons, but also an energy needing to be cleared from our hearts because as humans we just don’t operate well within fear.

Fear fogs, where love brings clarity. Fear has the ability to question what we know deep within. If we allow it - we question the trust within ourselves, which is the wrong direction to continue down.


Love changes us, transitions and evolves us, combats fear for us, and fights for us. Love teaches us, provides for us, connects us, and most importantly; keeps us connected. The power which love can bring creates the constant existence for opportunities and possibilities. Its magnitude is unmatched.

To perceive these possibilities you only have to step back into love; self love, to be precise. With self-love, your life will feel connected and not divided, enlightened and not dimmed, and you will become aligned; ready to receive and hold peace. You become you.

I have personally found that any practice to center and be present in the now, is the best way for me to get through this day by day, and remain heart-centered. And remember; we are always going through.

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I have personally found that any practice to center and be present in the now, is the best way for me to get through this day by day, and remain heart-centered. And remember; we are always going through.

Your self trust creates walls against fear; it disallows it from the mind to latch onto thoughts which do not serve your highest good. Self trust is created within self love. Self love is in your highest good at all times. And what is in your highest good, is in fact in the highest good for all.

I encourage everyone to practice an act of self-care on a daily basis. And guess what—you perform numerous acts of self care, already {drinking water for the body, showers to cleanse your energy, going on walk for peace of mind, etc.}. Acknowledge them and set intentions with purpose. Perform self care with an intention to move towards peace and self love, not away from panic and fear. Intention is everything, too.


Aneta Mruz