Clearing Energy | Smudging

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First :: What to Know About Energy Work

Energy goes where attention flows. In saying so, it is also stating that whatever energy we exude, accumulate, take on, or surround ourselves with, may become stagnant in our aura, home, or energy field, and may consume us… unless we make an intention to clear it, shift it, change it, or replace it.

As energetic beings, we not only keep what we create, but we unintentionally attract and even take on what is not ours. Self awareness is key in being able to acknowledge what is yours and what is not. You may feel great one minute, and then you may feel off, energy shifts, become drained, have negative thoughts, or even act out. When you can’t seem to find what is troubling you at the root then what you feel simply may not be yours.

Another important acknowledgement is in knowing that every thought, action, doing, intention, and emotion holds an energetic vibration. Again - energy goes where attention flows. Like attracts like, so it is very easy to attract what you do not want, even just by having negative thoughts. The energy of trauma, pain, anger (for example) doesn’t just disappear once the thought is thunk, action is completed, or emotions is felt. That energy lingers until we consciously or unconsciously choose to shift it, clear it, or grow from it. Bottom line - energy needs somewhere to go.

Lastly; please know that if you sense energy, spirit, or an entity in your home that you just simply don’t like there, all you have to do is tell that energy to leave, and it must. The key is to do this in love and not fear. There is nothing to fear, and I always say: “if only you knew how powerful you are”. You are of love, which is the highest vibrational energy of all; superior. If you feel uncomfortable in removing energy alone, you can call on an energy worker/healer, such as a medium, Reiki practitioner, or shaman, to assist with clearing the home. Nothing is allowed unless we consciously or subconsciously allow it. The tricky thing is in knowing if we subconsciously stay attached to energies. One may do so due to comfort, habit, self sabotage, confusion, not knowing, and even love. Another post about that, coming soon!


How To Cleanse Energy

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What You WIll Need

To Ground Yourself

An Intention for Clearing + One for Replacing

White Sage

Palo Santo (optional - read below)

A Lighter

A Feather (optional for spreading the smoke)

Fire Proof Container

Sand or something to extinguish the smoke on (can use the fire proof bowl)

You will want to ground yourself. Grounding is important to keep your energy and attention in the moment. You can do so through closing your eyes and by imagining yourself standing on grass, with tree roots growing out of the souls of your feet, and wrapping into the core of the earth. You can also ground by simply walking barefoot on soil or grass, acknowledging one thing noticed by each of your 5 senses, belly breathing, or by using grounding essential oils such as sandalwood, ginger, cypress, patchouli, cedarwood. Remember that everything is intention, so if you intend it - it will be.

THe Ceremony

  • You want to crack open a central window on each level of your home. Remember that the energy must go somewhere. If you don’t have a central window, you may crack a few windows in your home.

  • You will start by going to the front door. You will state your intention to clear aloud, as if you are speaking to any and all energy in your home (see example below under ‘Intention’).

  • You will state your intention on what you wish to replace that energy with (see example below under ‘Intention’)

  • Light the sage bundle until it starts producing smoke. The fire will go out after a few seconds, and it is the smoke which you use for smudging a space. You may carry it by hand, place it in your fire proof container, and equally for both options - fan the smoke with a feather in an outward and upward motion.

  • You start my cleansing your body with the smoke. You want to imagine: above, below, in front, behind, to the left + to the right; symbolizing that your entire body is cleansed.

  • Once you smudge the first area (your body) know that your intention for replacing that energy which you spoke, is taking place.

  • Next, you can face your door ( if not already facing it) and sage all around the front door.

  • You will then turn around and have your back to the door, and sage each room starting at the right closest to the entry. You are also working counterclockwise within each room/area, remembering to get the closets, nooks, and any dark spaces where light fails to hit.

  • You can keep your intention in mind during this time, or think of the energy of love. You may also chant a mantra. Om Mani Padme Hum is a beautiful one to chant, or simply just “Om”. This can be done aloud or using your internal voice. You can also play tranquil music such as 417 Hz or the 432 Hz miricle tone, mantras, or healing tones found on youtube.

  • Repeat with all levels as if the staircase entry is the front door, and move counterclockwise.

  • Once you are back at your front door, you state your intention one last time, and hold space for gratitude for this practice, and in knowing it is done, by stating something like: ”And so it is”.

  • Your ceremony is complete, and you may close all of the windows once the scent has aired out.

If you wish to use Palo Santo instead of sahe, you would complete the above process using a clockwise routine, and knowing that your intention to fill the space with higher vibrations is taking place. Remember Palo Santo, as it removes just the negative energy and keeps the high vibrational energy, and invites your support system to be present.

If you have any questions what so ever - please feel free to contact me directly here!

A Little Story

I am aware of energy due to being extremely sensitive to energy and in being an empath. Becoming self aware of my own energy was detrimental in my energy and spiritual work.

Understanding your energy is important for functioning optimally in knowing your mind, body, and soul, and their “norms”. It helps in the everyday because as soon as you feel a mood shift, you can set an intention to release what is not yours: what you had walked through, had attach to you, and accidentally attracted due to the Universal Laws.

Back in Illinois, we bought a beautiful home, which we renovated, but there were quite a lot of disturbances, for many reasons and from many sources. After we had renovated and moved in, I noticed I would wake up in a great mood (myself), go about the day in my usual fashion, but whenever I entered my kitchen, I felt the energy change, or my hsband and I would bicker; I had negative thoughts, felt grumpy, uneasy, and even angry. What I came to find was that the previous home owners had gone through a divorce and most of their fighting had occurred in the kitchen. The husband had left his wife and 4 children, moved states without notice, and broken the heart of this woman. What I was feeling was the energy of the woman, due to her emotions, thoughts, trauma and sadness. She was not deceased, but that negative energy stayed stuck and stagnant in the home, which goes to show you that all energy lingers unless something is done about it.




You may dissolve any negative or low vibrational energy (yours or another’s; living or deceased) by raising that vibration through; prayer, creating positivity, a salt bath, a cleansing shower, positive affirmations, lighting incense, by creating positive thoughts + emotions to counter the negative, playing soul-food music, lighting a candle, and much more. What you must know is that everything truly is done with the intention behind it. The energy of the intention is what shifts, clears, moves, and removes what is unwanted, so we must acknowledge the why, and make certain to set an intention which isn’t created from a lower vibrational thought or belief surrounded by fear, anger, hate, so on, or else that is all you will attract. Setting an intention prior to cleansing yourself or a space so that you may operate from love, clarity, and harmony, is a great way to start. Here is an example of what I state to clear my space, or when I am smudging:

INTENTION TO CLEAR: I ask Source (God) and ArchAngel Michael to assist me in clearing our energy which is not serving this home and the people in it. I choose to cleanse this space to remove all negative, lower vibrational, residual, stagnant, attached or stuck energy, mine or another’s, as well as all energy tied to grudges or pain, from all space and time. I release it, I thank it for the lessons it has taught, and I send it off in love and light. I ask that the Earth transmutes all lower vibrational energies into love.

You can also be as simple as: I ask Source and ArchAngel Michael to assist me in clearing all unwanted, lower vibrational, unacknowledged, and all restrictive and sabotaging energies within this home, and around it.

INTENTION TO REPLACE: I request that each corner, room, space inside and around the home be filled with God’s love + Light, so that all who live in this space, or those who enter this space, may operate from only love.

Why Sage + Palo Santo

Every plant the earth has grown holds a vibrational energy. Sage + Palo Santo hold some of the the best healing properties, and have been used in many, Native American, spiritual rituals or ceremonies for cleansing practices. “Smudging is the use of sacred plant medicie to ring or clear into a space.” Essentially; the energy of the plant helps dissipate old, residual or lingering energies. My personal preference for deep clearings is sage followed by palo santo, and for day-to-day clearing: I use palo santo, sage resin, or a sage or palo santo spray.



Palo Santo


Sage is an a sacred perennial shrub, native to northwestern Mexico and southwestern US. “Sage smudging is one of the purest and ancient techniques in cleansing people or spaces”. Sage removes ALL energy; the good and the bad. This is ideal for “fresh starts” or even cleansing a new home post renovation or pre-move in. Sage may be found at your local metaphysical shop, crystal shop, or even at some whole foods grocery stores, now. Some stores even offer sage kits, which will come with everything you need (listed below). Sage has a strong, earthy scent, and the smoke level is high; ideal for cleansing a home or larger space. If you prefer less smoke, you may also look into sage resin (lower smoke level). If your sage is not lighting, you may wish to “loosen” the bundle a bit. You want to find a shop which sells sustainably sourced sage. Sage suffers from over harvesting, and since intention is everything - we don’t want to purchase sage which was sourced through greed. Sage is burned and spread throughout a space counterclockwise to each room. Sage is usually burned by placing the bundle in a shell, which brings together all 4 elements (the smoke represents air, the unlit herb represents earth, once lit, it represents fire, and the sea shell represents water), but this is not necessary for the desired use.

Palo Santo is a wild tree native to the Yucatan Peninsula of Peru + Venezuela. It means “Holy Wood”, and holds a pleasant, more subtle scent than sage. The smoke factor is lower than sage, and it holds similar properties to cedar, so it may also be used for relieving stress, common colds, sluggish feelings, emotional pain and more. Palo Santo is burned to help the energy of a home by clearing the negative and keeping the positive energy. Palo Santo lends itself to clear smaller spaced such as yourself or a room, but can be used in larger spaces, but will need relighting. Palo Santo also allows positive energy to stay present, and welcomes the support of your Spirit guides, Angels, and Source to encompass the space. IPalo Santo may also be found at the same stores. t is burned clockwise along the space of the home/each room.


A Clean Start to the Day

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Morning Body Clearing

How I clear My Energy Each Morning

As mentioned; everything is about intention. I used to wake up in high vibes and notice a shift in my field; whether it came from negative thinking, an emotion, or even if I was influenced by an outside source (energies), I choose to clear it if I acknowledged it is just not serving me in my day.

I lighting a candle. The candle later symbolizes as the actual intention, so lighting it will create the same effect as stating the mantra. I state:

“I release all energies, grudges, negative thinking, hate, fear, and sadness which is not serving me in my highest good. I clear all energy from myself, my home, and those living in it, which is not mine/ours, and is preventing clarity in my day. I send it off in love and Light. And so it is.”

It is honestly that simple.

You may notice a shift in your mood right away, or it may take a few tries. I first noticed this worked when I had done it for the 4th time. I felt the vibration of the words spoken completely shift the negative emotions and mindset. I changed my energy. I do this every morning, now, no matter what. Standards for your body and space = self love.