Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.
— Aristotle

I believe Life is one’s self realization journey, whether they are conscious of it or not.



We are not defined by our relationships. we are Divinely guided by them WITHin OUR very personal, but very connected, human experience.

They are the foundations for self evaluation and realignment, for struggle pulled by the likelihood of triumph, and for redirection and coarse correction towards harnessing the remembrance of our own wholeness.

The above concepts did not come into my awareness until I dove into my own relationship… with relationships. I had been living through the lessons all along; through my relationships with my parents, boyfriends, friends, strangers, and even now as I dive deeper into self awareness; my relationships with God/a power higher than myself, and my higher self, my mind, my body, with nature and the earth, and even as I develop relationships with the Spirit of those who have left this earthy plane who I did not even know in their time here on earth. These relationships are all bringing me back to myself; a soul led life.

I now know that we are here to help ourselves and then help others, and that there is this common denominator here in life within our interconnectedness. I believe we are all emissaries of Divinity — whether another individual is a mirror; triggering what needs one’s attention within, a Divine messenger for a simple reminder of hope, or a hand to hold to get one through “it”.  Our interconnectedness is the essence which brings us back to ourselves. But, we have to choose growth or else our consciousness will rarely be aware of the guidance.

My Unraveling

Even in the midst of unconsciously peeling away at the havoc I unintentionally created in my life for 15 plus years prior, unknowingly — Divine guidance had been redirecting me towards A NEW LIFE.

And I was actually listening! My choice to start Solace did not take bravery because when you somehow listen to the whispers of Source then inspired action is taken, naturally; an organic feeling and knowing to do so. Even when the logical mind may wish to interfere stating that none of that makes sense, your soul overrides this to tell you that it all-makes-sense, whether you see it yet or not. And, you listen. Now, at the time did I know this was Divine or my Soul? Not at all. But - that nudge within that neutrality always is, and I see that, now.

I had been diagnosed with Pure OCD shortly after the birth of my son, but within 2 years, and even without a map, I self-healed. I distinctly remember when the diagnosis was stated and my internal dialogue was simply: “oh, well I will just change this because I do not want it.” Whether I was fueled by being naive of what mental dis-order even was, or fueled by my destiny and soul, I walked through it all and came out without dis-order. But all of this change truly started because of the desire for better for myself. I recall praying for change for that i was no longer controlled by the chemical dependency to alcohol. The day I found out I was pregnant my addiction to alcohol — left. Simply left. My son was an answered prayer to a God I felt I didn’t even know was listening, but something out there was listening, and giving.



I was going through something the western world wouldn’t normally understand

I now know change can occur with just an internal experience, usually followed by a conscious or unconscious thought. Simply put - change occurs within entertaining new ways of thinking for new ways of being. I do not know what it was that I thought in that moment, or even felt, but it changed my chemistry instantaneously.

My Breakdown was my breakthrough

Fast forward to postpartum — I was going through something the western world wouldn’t understand. Even though it was a psychological anxiety disorder, it was all very spiritual and energetic. I had started going through what great Spiritual teachers call A Dark Night of the Soul. It was a spiritual awakening. It was an unraveling of what was false and not mine. It was a stepping into what I always was underneath it all. But it was difficult.

Come to find, it was only difficult because my internal belief systems governed my perceptions, and that life itself was difficult, and that I was a victim of the supposed lack of love in my life. My self worth was creating a limited mind and limited reality. I did not know anything about the ease of conscious creation for the beautiful life I was able to walk.

So, I struggled through OCD and my awakening. Looking back — what was actually occurring was the resurfacing and release of the illusions, distortions and assumptions my active imagination fabricated for the ego. I swam in it while consuming alcohol but now sober, I felt it tenfold. It was actually leaving, but it had to go through me to do so.

Spirituality, Mediumship & God

Through the unraveling and shedding, I began wondering: Why do I hear these thoughts but they are not my own? What is Universal life flowing through us (just the energy of thought)? Why are these thoughts coming? Why does my brain get rewired by what I focus on and give energy to? How does change occur on an energetic level?

Outside of the brain and the body, I began wondering deeper: Why are we all here, what are we at our root, and how is it that we are all here, through God. I began wondering about existence and the human experience.

And into my awareness came the answers. I started having teachers, psychologists, philosophical teachings come into my life. Through personal relationships, I had other spiritual and religious friends start to reach out to support me. I had been very open about mental health awareness on social media, and it was making an impact.

I was then introduced to a friend of a mutual friend. She owned a yoga studio and spiritual healing center not too far from my home. She had a near death experience which allowed her to come back with a different level of awareness; a higher perspective and knowing of life. Her truth felt like my truth. She was familiar. She was an intuitive empath, a spiritual life coach, and a medium. She felt like me. She allowed me to understand these very similar abilities within myself, and life actually started to make more sense. I was finding answers which resonated.

I started recalling all of my other worldly experiences that didn’t exactly make sense to me as a child, but now everything has its place. My desire for understanding opened up a heightened awareness to energy. The turmoil of the mind and my heightened awareness had placed me into a deep need for a relationship with the Universe. With God. I needed that guidance so I didn’t have to figure this all out on my own.

This was a relationship I remember having as a child, although vaguely. It had slowly trickled away within our family dynamic, probably due to my parent’s own personal experiences with death, life, loss, and struggle. But in the darkness of intrusive thoughts and the stripping away of my falseness, I remember Jesus always being next to me; to get me through the perceived presence of what the intrusive thoughts told me: that evil was in everything.

I questioned everyone’s intentions and questioned their truth. You see — the mind is a powerful thing, and it will manifest in the imagination and even into form what your fears are, however you were conditioned to understand those fears. The brain will try to find truth as long as it fits unconscious belief systems. It’s self preservation. It will also create a world of beauty and love through whatever you are conditioned to believe is good in this existence. But the scales were tipping and i needed to rescue myself from it all. I was conditioned to know Jesus was a savior, and Jesus helped me save myself many times by His mere presence from those intrusive thoughts. Peace came in those moments.

Within the onset of OCD and my awakening I began studying energy concepts and practicing mediumship. I also became certified as a spiritual life coach. It all came so naturally to me. Mediumship actually helped me with understanding thought; what is mine and what is not mine. To trust in receiving is the ultimate surrender of fear and ego. To assume that everything is our thought is actually a pretty unlikely theory. Surrendering all expectations and connecting to one’s Spirit without the ego in the way was so much more fluid than me connecting to someone here on earth with an ego in the way. Spirit was true, pure, whole, and honest — all that is needed for allowing another to heal themselves through the earthly pain or confusion. Spirit didn’t say things my ego needed to hear. Spirit communicated through having me feel the truth of their heart. Sometimes words weren’t even needed.

I can safely say that the gratitude I now feel through emotions in my physical body, from someone’s Spirit who has transitioned from earth to be with God, is the most heightened expression of love I have ever felt. It is the same gratitude that I feel for Divine.

Healing doesn’t have limitations and the relationship never ends, it merely changes. And we can meet new individuals even in the afterlife. And their love is not only for their loved ones here on earth but for us, too; their ethereal brothers and sisters. I digress.

Solace’s Birth

I recall the day that solace was born

At that time I had thought that it was just something my heart needs to do to show other women and mothers that they are not alone. With OCD you receive/hear horrific intrusive thoughts. In my experience, I see it as at times also becoming aware of lower vibrational energy and the mind translating that into a thought with an equivalent energetic vibration. OCD is an anxiety dis-order fueled by “fear of” scenarios. If one does not understand the psychology of thought, one assumes thought is them. They think they are these horrible things and they make these thoughts their own. But, that understanding is far from the truth. I was learning this and I needed others to know this, too, because OCD is even misunderstood by the medical community throughout the world.

By 2019 I had healed and I had reworked the neural pathways of the chemical dis-order, and I felt I had the roadmap for change, but in 2017 I was just starting my healing journey. I decided to open a platform on Facebook for women and mothers struggling through intrusive thoughts/Pure OCD. They came flooding in. It was wild to see I wasn’t alone either. We all supported one another. That group was a community of over 2000+ women going through OCD together, and some also even having their own spiritual awakenings through the façade of OCD. The interesting thing was that I was knew the women who enter red who were actually having a spiritual awakening shift vs just OCD. I felt that to my core. We were drawn to each other, always.

The first time I wrote the word Solace in the description of my group, I knew Solace was the future of something BIGGER

I knew I was suppose to help others. In 2018 I set my sights on becoming a life coach. I had an intention to help others though it, whatever their ‘it’ was for them.

I was certified with the International Coaches Federation as a Transformational, Mindset, and Emotional Intelligence life coach, and through Renaissance Life Therapies as a Cognitive Behavioral coach. But because of what I was personally going through, spiritually, it incorporated a desire to understand concepts not only within psychology but also philosophy, quantum physics and metaphysics.

I knew that this is who I was made to be — someone helping others through their ‘it’.

I opened Solace LLC in early 2019 to offer life coaching services. God had another plan, however. My desires slowly started shifting. Life coaching felt difficult for most to stick with. Dr. Amy Johnson teaches that charge doesn’t have to occur through willpower, rather, change occurs through perspective shifts. She spoke my language and Solace soon incorporated this as a teaching. But God still had a different plan. I had already been developing my mediumship/channeling abilities, and at that time I kept praying to God a simple prayer: God - how can I be of service to you today? Where would you have me go, what would you have me do, what would you have me say, and to whom.” God answered.

I realized that at times, I was channeling God’s guidance. What was occuring was this: When I surrendered my ego’s assumption of what someone needed to hear to harness change, because of my training, and even my knowledge gained through personal experience and self development, God worked through me. God utilized me and my personality (everything which made me me) to deliver the exact energy/message one needed to feel/hear in that given moment in time for healing to begin or continue for them.

And so it began. Solace offers Channeled healings By allowing another to hear/feel something their soul already knows, giving them an experience through emotions as confirmation. That Internal experience is what change actually is.

From a higher perspective, I see us all as emissaries of Divinity. Every service on this earth could be seen as Divine guidance — if you allow yourself to connect that deeply.

What I Now Remember About Life

In my quest for understanding my circumstances I was brought to an understandings of the Spirit, the structures utilized for the creation of my life here on earth, the creation of the personality and mind, and how we are always consciously or unconsciously manifesting. My personal inquiries for knowledge were like messengers to the universe because to this day — the teachings of the Universe come to me through my wonder. The answers always come, and I am always guided.

When I started dissolving the tarnished concepts of who I “should” be, and started standing empowered in who I was made to be, self love emerged.

I Believe:

Thought changes chemistry

We are always guided

We can heal ourselves

We are here to first help ourselves and then help others

We cannot have a new way of being without a new way of thinking

Change occurs energetically, first, then chemically

Growth does not have to be difficult

We do not have to create life by the constructs of our pain, and can break free from old paradigms instantaneously to create a new life

This world needs who you were made to be

I believe that everything leads us back to the only path — the journey within. I believe the what we choose to believe in given moment in a lifetime is right for us, in that moment. Our awareness shifts as we choose growth, and we are always guided towards self realizations through our relationships, though our experiences, and through God’s desire for us to live our lives in full alignment. Our experiences help others, and round and round it goes.

Within my personal journey of unknowingly allowing my thoughts and emotions to manifest a dark reality and state of mind, I grew to understand the mind, thought, the discernment of energy, and what it takes to create a new type of reality where suffering is no longer neccessary.

I learned that we are all here to help each other though it so as to help one another rediscover and remember the truth of what is underneath it all.

This is our expansion and evolution. From one of my most favorite authors and channel’s of Go'd’s word, I leave you with this:

Your Soul is seeking to experience what it knows.
— Neale Donald Walsch - God's Word